Created to study better

Plan your study, live better

4HOURS is designed and developed to help student to reach the goal they deserve to 

About 4HOURS

Track study and exericse time without wasting a second

Time Tracking

Accurate and simple time tracking. Subject-based estimation

Algorithm Goal

This app use algorithm to create analytics and goals  in base your study

Completly FREE

It's completly free for everybody. No plan no worries, only some ads 

Developed by
Francesco Vezzani

Francesco Vezzani

Developer & Founder

I'm a mechatronic engineering student in Padua. I developed this app to facilitate my study. Then since my friends asked me I shared it to them and to all.

It's a simple app capable of changing your life in a way you can only imagine. I use it to complete my law studies at the University of Padua.

Max Vianello


Do you need more information or suggest new features.

Contact  the developer ;)

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